Monday, March 10, 2008

Well it is Official. . .

As of Sunday night the most difficult decision I have ever had to make was made official. I am now in the proses of leaving my Church home of 22 years. I can't believe how hard this has been for me. I had to get in front of the Youth Group and announce it and explain why and boy was it hard. Now usually talking in front of people is no problem with me I love it but this was so close to my heart that I could not barely handle it. I shared a passage with them from the book of Jeremiah:

Jeremiah 29:11-12 (New International Version)

11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

We talked about how God has a plan for us and that this is part of the plan and that is not to harm any of us but to make us stronger and more prospers, I am not sure if that comforted them very much but I hope that it did. Here is the letter that I typed up about the reasons for my leaving.

Dear John Wesley,

This is the hardest letter I have ever written. I have spent many days and nights in prayerful thought to seek where God wants me to be in my life. Some of you may know that over the past several months I have been struggling in school, finances, and with personal issues. I have been hurting spiritually and emotionally. I have found myself being stretched beyond my limits and unable to perform any of my commitments, especially the commitments that I have made for the church, in way that is both excellent and that glorifies God. I have been forced to make a decision to honor God in way that will be best for myself, for John Wesley, and the Youth Program there.

John Wesley has been my church home for my entire life and many of my fondest memories and experiences have come from this church. You have done nothing but show Christ’s love to me in the way he has commanded us to. Out of respect to you and to God I have decided to resign from my position as Middle School Youth Pastor. My resignation is effective March 30th.

This decision should in no way represent how I feel about the body of Christ at John Wesley. I believe that God is moving me on to the next phase of my life, which I guess would be called adult hood. The responsibilities I have both academically and financially will not allow me to continue here in the manner that I currently do.

I cannot express enough that this has nothing to do with the Youth at John Wesley. I could not be more proud of who they are and who they are becoming in Christ. They are the reason this has been the hardest decision I have ever made, which has caused me to loose sleep on several nights and to stress and worry about this for many months. I have obtained a new job that is full time, which will limit my ability to serve here at John Wesley. However it will be able to help me with the personal and financial struggles I have been having.

I want to encourage this body of Christ to continue on in the love which you have blessed me with. To my students, I pray that you continue to seek God daily, striving to find his purpose in your lives. To the adults, I pray that you will continue to sheppard the students here, and grow in this body of believers. I ask that you also pray for me as I move into this next phase of life, as I will continue to pray for you. I send you all my love and regards.


Michael M. Berry

I would like to encourage people to get in to contact with me if they have any questions about this or if they need to say something to me even they think it might be mean I want you to get it off your chest towards me because it will be healthy for you to do so.

1 comment:

Darren said...

I can't imagine how tough that decision was for you.

And since you said we can say mean things to you now, I'll start writing all the mean things I want to say to you down so I can unload on you next week.