Sunday, September 23, 2007


Well it is that time of year again premier week for all the major networks. For those of you who don't know what that is this is the week when all the networks broadcast all there new shows and bring back the old one so we can continue with there story lines.

I love T.V. it is the best way that I have found for me to relax and let the troubles of the world go away for a little while even if it is only for an hour or two. I have over the last two years really become a fan of watching the pilot episodes of new shows and trying to figure out how long they will last. How ever I will say that this year I am especially pumped about a couple of shows this year, the first one is CSI: Las Vegas, and the second is The Unit.

I hear from a lot of people that my passion for T.V. is bad or even unhealthy. I would have to disagree with these people because I don't think they really understand how I watch T.V. or how it affects my life. I watch T.V. in order to relax and most of the time it is just on in the back round while I do other things like school work or stuff of the Church. If I let T.V. control my life meaning that I would not do things or go places in order to watch it, T.V. come second to getting the things I need to do done.

In conclusion I guess all I am saying is that I think that Maybe I should go to God for relaxation and comfort from my troubles but I also feel that he gives all different passions and ways to relax in the world. For some it would be reading or listing to music or maybe making muffins but, for me it is Television.

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